Financing and economic analysis of water facilities and infrastructure
Peter Raymond Ngunula, Joseph Magali
23 December 2024
Financial Management Factor on the Performance of the Community-Based Water Supply Organisations in Katavi Region, Tanzania
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Performance, financial management, community participation, and Community-Based Water Supply Organizations (CBWSOs)
This study assessed the financial management factors that affect the performance of Community-Based Water Supply
Organizations (CBWSOs) in managing water supply schemes in Katavi’s rural areas. An inductive approach and
exploratory design were employed in this study. The study population comprised 57 respondents, comprising the region's
management team and supervisory board members of selected CBWSOs. Data was collected through one-on-one In-depth
interviews, field observation and literature reviews. The findings revealed that financial management was a critical aspect, emphasizing the importance of community participation in the collection of funds. Community participation in the
collection of funds fosters financial sustainability, a sense of ownership, responsible resource utilization, and transparency. Based on the findings, the study recommends future mechanisms and strategies to support financial sustainability, providing capacity building and implementing a monitoring and evaluation framework, that effectively enhance
transparent and participatory governance structures within CBWSOs in the Katavi region.