Sustainability of Water and Sanitation Projects
Joel Mmasa
22 April 2023
Socio-economic Impacts of Water Project on the Community Livelihood in Peri-urban of Tanzania: Case study Gairo District –Morogoro Region
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Economic, Socio, Water, Project, Development, Livelihood
This study analysed the socio-economic impacts of water project on the community livelihood in peri-urban Tanzania. It employed a cross-sectional research design, and a survey questionnaire was distributed to 353 households were randomly selected by probability sampling techniques. Data were analysed using the logistic regression model. The findings suggest that household’s access to water is positively affected by respondent’s years of schooling. Having one additional year of schooling may increase the chance to access to water services. Furthermore, the average household head’s monthly income was a significant explanatory variable at 1 percent level of significance. Besides, non-farm activities were significantly related to access to water. Nevertheless, the study identified four major economic activities that the community engaged in as a result of water accessibility: male and female hair salons, petty trading in village open auction, vegetable gardening and bodaboda. Of the four economic activities, petty trading in village open auction business is the most practiced. One can conclude that the existence of water projects promotes socio-economic development.